I’m back . . . in time for a PSQ Swap!

Yes, my faithful followers, my blog had fallen silent for nearly four years. But here I am back at it!  If you have been missing the Postage Stamp Quilt Charm Swaps, I am doing another one, with the signup window open from August 1-9, 2020. That means it is time to PREP your charm sets so you are ready to mail them. You cannot signup unless your sets are ready to go.

IF you have not done a swap before, please consider doing this one!  Postage Stamp Charms (PSQ) make one of the ultimate scrappy quilts.  They are great for beginners and experienced quilters as they are visually “busy” – so most imperfect corners are not noticeable. And, they can eat up scraps.

Both returning and new swappers need to start by reading the Postage Stamp Charm Swaps page. Then read The Basics. Do it soon so you do not make piles of charms thaw ill not be accepted for the swap!

I know some of you are curious as to why I have been silent for so long. To put it in a short form, life got in the way!  The first two years I was working at a job I loved and travelling for work, which kept me very busy. The job ended just as my second grandson was born so I had the privilege of having him and his big brother hanging out with me a lot! The last part of my silence started with surgery for a broken finger, then three eye surgeries, a bit later three heart surgeries or procedures, many days in ICU, and after a little break, toe surgery. Then, just at the start of the Corona Vitus lifestyle changes, I wound up quarantined when I got sick. After a few weeks of that the docs sent me to the hospital, more ICU, and then on to rehab. Indeed, I am typing this from rehab! (Which has lousy connections that are not supporting pictures.)  Darn good thing I thrive on chaos!

Now, go get set to swap!  And please – no comments or replies on this post! I already know I have great support from all of you quilters and fabric lovers. Thanks – Mary

Copyright 2020 by The  Curious Quilter.

About thecuriousquilter

Quilter, sewer, writer, gardener, mom & gramma, sister, friend, always learning, always curious.
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