p.3…Two Inch Treasures (postage stamps)

Two Inch Treasures, During Construction.

Visit the main Gallery page to see other past projects!

Mary, The Curious Quilter

My head is full of squares!

I hope you will read about my obsession with these fun little charm squares in my post Thoughts from a Fabriholic.

Boxes and boxes of Two Inch Treasures.

Random, but I do turn them so they are non-directional. I do not want these quilts to have a top and bottom.

Lots of pressing! Great quilt to chain piece. I make 12"blocks out of 64 Treasures, then sew the blocks together.So many wonderful fabrics!

Like a giant "I-Spy" for all ages.

One BIG HUG to sleep under!

The fourth postage stamp quilt, from 4,096 two-inch treasures.

6 Responses to p.3…Two Inch Treasures (postage stamps)

  1. Sarah Schultte says:

    I am starting to understand that pattern really doesn’t matter, and random is OK!

  2. LOVE!! the quilts

    have added you yo my ebay list so I can start on the 2-inch goodness

    ….reminds me that I have a (un-finished) Millenium quilt somewhere, lots of 2-inch pieces there

  3. Pingback: Postage Stamp Quilts; Playing with Color | The Curious Quilter

  4. Pingback: Thoughts from a fabriholic. No obsessions HERE! | The Curious Quilter

  5. Becky says:

    wow, GREAT and inspirational pics! I too have many Millenium charms somewhere!!!

  6. Sonja Doyle says:

    Such a beautiful quilt! I’m glad I’m not the only one obsessed with fabric-I love the way you organized them.

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